
An amazon boots for cold countries.

Fully lined with sheepskin, available in every color imaginable. The model has many attributes that characterize our men’s collections: creativity in design, quality materials, perfect finishes, comfort. A Must.

Goodyear welted.

Customized patina is included in the price of the shoe.



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Metal Toe Plate

26 55 

Metal plate that protect the front sole part from usury.
Highly recommended.
One cannot hear it, feel it, see it.

Shoe Trees


Raw beech wood shoe trees.


Mirror Polish


The mirror polish provides a mirror shine on part of the shoe by a succession of layers of wax and water.
Entirely handmade by us, it is also temporary and must be maintained thereafter according to your uses.

Leather Balm

Caulaincourt leather balm : hydrate and make your shoes shine.
Match all patinas